A Walk for Hope


March of Dimes is an organization that focuses on the fight against premature birth and babies with birth defects. More than 300,000 babies are born prematurely in the United States alone. Since Franklin D. Roosevelt launched the program in 1938, birth defects have been greatly reduced.

In 2003, the foundation started the Prematurity Campaign in the hopes to raise awareness and put babies being born prematurely to a halt. Now, the organization is blooming with success. More than $198 million was raised just in 2014 alone, thanks to donors, big corporations such as Kmart and United Airlines, and events such as the March of Dimes Walk, which is the method that raises the most amount of money.

This year, the March of Dimes Walk will occur on April 30th at Headwater’s Park, in Fort Wayne. To participate in the march, sign up at https://www.marchforbabies.org/Registration/SignUp. Everyone that marches that day will support the fight against prematurity in babies, and hopefully provide a life for many people.

Sources: http://www.marchofdimes.org/