‘Merica Monday

Pictured: Lynsee Devers, Senior

Pictured: Lynsee Devers, Senior

Homecoming week kicked off with a patriotic blast. On Monday (9.14), students were to dress in red, white, and blue to earn points for their classes. Throughout the school, students dressed the dress. Some did simple, tee-shirts, Hoosier pants, and blue with stars bandanas. Others went above it. Some came dressed in full costumes, colored hair, fake sunglasses, feathered scarfs, and bright hats. The juniors won the day with the most students participating, placing them in the overall lead and on the road to victory. Seniors made a strong try and came in second. In third was the sophomores. Lastly, bring up the rear, was the freshmen. Congrats to the juniors. Seniors, sophomores, and freshmen, there is still time for you to try and over throw them. We still have several theme days and events left.