EN Staff Stars: Mr. Brian Rexroad


This week we hop on over into the math department to honor Mr. Brian Rexroad.


How many years have you been teaching at East Noble?

  • < 1 year at EN, but this is my 21st year teaching, 4 in Michigan and 16 at Central Noble.

What subjects do you teach?

  • Alg I and Alg II

What is your favorite class to teach?

  • There are different aspects of both classes that I enjoy, it is truly hard to pick a favorite.

What’s your favorite part of teaching?

  • Interacting with the students and especially those times where a student struggles with a concept and then it finally clicks. Gotta love those “aha” moments

Do you have a favorite EN Memory? If so, what is it?

  • Getting hired ?

Do you have any interests/hobbies outside of school?

  • Sports (especially soccer and football) and DJing

Do you have a fun fact about yourself?

  • I was the first person from my county to go to college on a soccer scholarship.


Even though Mr. Rexroad has only started teaching at EN this year, it is truly evident that we as a school are happy he’s here! We love you Mr. Rexroad!!!