FFA Corn Dinner


On August 19th, students participating in FFA gathered in the agriculture room to serve the East Noble staff a delicious corn dinner. Stomachs rumbled as the hungry diners lined up to get their meal. The dinner included tasty Indiana corn, along with hot dogs and ice-cream. This annual lunch is a great time for all the East Noble High School staff to relax and socialize with their fellow employees, as well as enjoy some of the FFA students company. I also got to attend, and I was pleasantly surprised with the food and all the smiling faces of my teachers.

Not only do people look forward to having an appetizing meal, but everyone looks forward to the fellowship involved in the FFA Corn Dinner. When asking Mr. Kimmel what his favorite part of the corn dinner is, he put it short and sweet by saying, “The corn, the fellowship, and the food”. Mrs. Schmidt also shared her appreciation for the meal by stating that, “The ice-cream and cake never fail to be delicious”. Everyone always love the FFA Corn Dinner, and is just a great time with great students and staff.