Ushering: A Good Way to See EN Theatre

During the school year, in the week before a theater performance in the Cole Auditorium, students have the chance to sign up to be ushers for a showing of the musical or play. An usher’s job it to check to make sure all in attendance have tickets purchased for that night’s show and hand out the play bill to all guests. Ushers stand at the doors to the auditorium to assist as need be before the showing, and open and close the doors when the show begins, for intermission, and after. Ushers are allowed to watch the productions for free. While it’s too late to see “HONK!”, there will be three more shows this year being put on: the children’s theatre’s “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” in January, the Broadway comedy “The Foreigner” in February, and the Broadway musical “The Drowsy Chaperon” in April. Ushering for the performances is a great way to not only help out but to see all of East Noble’s spectacular theater performances. If you’re interested in ushering, keep an eye on the announcements when the dates for upcoming performances gets closer to find out when you can sign up.