Life Lessons I’ve Found while Reading – Part 1

Hello, readers! I am a bibliophile. I love to read, and because of my love for reading I have found many life lessons contained within the books. Here are some life lessons…

Be like the Hobbits!

Why should you be like a Hobbit? Because they are such happy folk! They enjoy life! They throw the greatest parties! They have a sense of adventure. They have passion! They don’t particularly care what they look like, they think if you are too skinny you aren’t eating properly. Hence why they eat breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Supper, and Dinner. They are the opposite of us humans, we lack passion, we have to fit in, we hate being out of our usual routine. Be like the Hobbits!

When you learn to die, you learn to live.

First off, if you haven’t read Tuesdays with Morrie, you need to! It’s true though. The enemy of life is death, and everything that has life is afraid to lose it. But if you know that death is a part of life and accept that them it makes life easier to live. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t fear death. It means you should embrace life. Spend more time with your family, dance like no one is watching, laugh hysterically, love passionately, stay calm, paint something, try something for the first time, make a new friend, live your life….

The fork in the road…

Now, you won’t actually be going through the woods and find a fork in the road that has a huge impact on your life. But you will face a metaphoric one every day of your life. Every choice you make will have a positive and negative outcome. What you choose is what you will receive. If you choose to do drugs and then you get caught, it is because you chose to do them in the first place. This is a negative outcome. If you witness someone being bullied and you stand up for them, then you have helped someone. This is a positive outcome. Some of the forks in the road of your life will be bigger than others, but they make you who you are and therefore are all equally important.

These are just a few life lessons I have found in some great works of literature. I hope you have enjoyed reading my ramblings. I hope to have more “Life Lessons from Literature” soon! This is Jaden signing off!