Controversy around ‘The Interview’

Back in late November, Sony Pictures Entertainment suffered from a large-scale computer hack which resulted in a massive leak of information. According to the US government, the source of this security breach came from North Korea. These hackers demanded that Sony cancel the release of The Interview, a mature comedy regarding a fictional plot to assassinate the leader of North Korea. After continued threats against the company and many movie theaters, Sony Pictures decided to pull the movie from theaters just days before its Christmas Day release. This action sparked outrage among supporters of free-speech. However, Sony Pictures did not let the hackers have their way because on December 23, Sony authorized 300 independent theaters to release The Interview on Christmas Day. In order to ensure more people would see the movie, Sony put The Interview for sale on YouTube, Google Play, and other related services. Luckily, nothing has happened to Sony since the company decided to release the movie. A lot of people consider the controversy around The Interview to have increased interest in the movie.

I have seen The Interview, and I thought it was a good movie. Like most comedies, the plot is ridiculous and the jokes are good. James Franco and Seth Rogan are both great actors and The Interview is one of their best movies. I would recommend The Interview to those who still haven’t seen it.