Upcoming 2015 Video Games To Be Excited For!

As 2014 ends, and 2015 begins, there is a lot to look forward to in the New Year. Everything is new. New movies, new games, etc. What I am excited for in 2015 is new video games, and Star Wars. But for 2015, a lot of awesome games are scheduled to be released and here are some that I am excited for and you should be too!


The Legend of Zelda, (Wii U):

While this latest installment to the popular series may not have a final name or even an exact release date yet, but it has excited many fans of the series by promising a huge open world to explore. Sadly, the people over at Nintendo haven’t shown much of this game and I want to see more. One thing I am looking forward to from this game is the HD graphics. So far in the trailers, Legend of Zelda looks amazing on the Wii U, and I think it is going to be of the best looking games of this entire generation. Some critics are skeptical that Nintendo can pull off a 2015 release date, but I think Wii U systems will be flying off the shelves by the end of the year.


Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U):

Another Wii U game that I am really looking forward to is Xenoblade Chronicles X. As a successor the Wii’s Xenoblade Chronicles, this JRPG does not share the story but it follows the basic concept of the original, by providing a HUGE world for players to explore and an amazing story to experience. Not to mention this game is in HD. As a fan of the original Xenoblade Chronicles, I am really excited for this game and I am probably going to by a Wii U to play this game, and Legend of Zelda, and a bunch of other awesome game. The teams over at MonolithSoft and Nintendo are working hard to make sure this game hits this year.


Star Wars: Battlefront (PS4, Xbox One, and PC):

Of course I had to put this game somewhere on this list. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. When I heard Electronic Arts was developing this sequel to the classic shooter, I was excited and worried. I am excited that Battlefront is getting a new main installment after 10 years. I am worried because EA is known for not being the best game developer around. However from what EA has said about this game, they are going back to the source material and trying to make this game feel like a real Star Wars: Battlefront game. Whether or not EA proved themselves to fans of the series will be decided when this game is released sometime during the holiday season later this year.


No Man’s Sky (PS4 and PC)

This game is going to be amazing. Imagine jumping into a ship resembling an X-Wing Starfighter (that ship from Star Wars) and exploring the universe, landing on planets, seeing alien species, making discoveries, etc. Developer studio Hello Games has said this game literally has a universe within it with it being able to generate over 18 quintillion (That’s 18 followed by eighteen zeroes!) different planets to explore and discover. No Man’s Sky is definitely going to be among the best games of 2015!