Town of Salem Review

(No Spoilers, there isn’t a story to spoil)
Town of Salem is a game made by Blank Media Games. A team of three people working from different parts of the world.
Town of Salem is literally an RPG (Role Playing Game). Where you are randomly given a role, and you play the role out to achieve the role’s goals. Whether that is the Witch’s goal (Live to see the town lose) a member of the Mafia’s goal (Eliminate everyone who opposes the Mafia) or the Mayor’s goal (Lynch every criminal and evildoer). It’s a system that greatly depends on the cooperation of the other people in the game. Which can lead to many problems where
Right now the game is still in Beta, and is available for free online. The recently closed their Kickstarter (Donation system to get the money needed to finish the game) and made over $100,000. I backed the game and when you donated at little as $5 they gave you a complete bundle that makes the town look like a post-apocalyptic world. It also came with a new skin for your character, a pet zombie, and a lobby icon that shows that you backed the game.
The entire game depends on the cooperation of others, and that is usually its downfall. Not only are there trolls on the internet (people seeking attention, or people trying to get a reaction out of you for their own amusement) but there are people who just aren’t paying attention, or don’t know how to pay the game. Sometimes that is an issue when people decide that they don’t want to participate.
Then there is people leaving, you’ll have people lag out sometimes, it’s still in beta and it has its issues. But then you’ll have the rage quitters, a Mafioso (a member of the mafia, the Godfather’s second-in-command) may lose his Godfather to an execution by the jailor, and his other mafia member/s may not exactly be up to par. He might just leave because he doesn’t want to be dragged down with them. Such things ruin the game.
Sometimes people do AFK (Away from Keyboard), sometimes almost as soon as they start a game. This is most annoying in Custom mode (where you can choose the roles that you want to be randomly selected from in the game) one person has this power, The Host. Sometimes people will go AFK as soon as they start the game (for some reason) and the host who is putting together the game won’t be putting the game together, because they are not even there. It’s a good thing the creators made a repick system, to change the host by voting. AFK people in game are just as irritating, because not only are they not doing their jobs, they aren’t participating and help out the other people who are playing for the same goals as them. When someone is being quiet, they usually get lynched, because they either aren’t helping out, or it will seem suspicious.
Overall the game is good, it has its issues but I hopefully those will be fixed when the game is finished and released on Steam. People will never change however, and those issues will always remain.