16 Things to Do in 2016

16 Things to Do in 2016

Every year, people promise themselves that they will make changes in their lives. (Hence New Year’s resolutions.) But we all know how short-lived those usually are, so here are 16 goals that high schoolers can strive to fulfill in 2016.

1. Go to the drive-in.

With all the stress in life, it’s always good to just take a few hours to go see a movie. This year, there will be lots of blockbusters to choose from, including Captain America: Civil War, Finding Dory, X-Men Apocalypse, Deadpool, Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, Suicide Squad, and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, to name a few.

2. Ask yourself the big questions.

“What is the meaning of life?” “Do aliens exist?” “What am I going to eat for dinner?” “Should I do laundry for tomorrow?”

3. Learn a new skill.

This can include learning how to play an instrument, learning how to take good pictures, or learning how to cook. This does not include learning how to do anything even vaguely illegal. We, as editors of the Knightly Scroll, do not condone that and will not back you up in a court of law.

4. Keep up with (and maybe vote in) the upcoming election.

Pay attention to what happens this election season. If you’re at least 18 by November, you’ll be voting. If not, you’ll be voting soon. It’s your responsibility to be informed and vote for your country’s officials (even if you’re tired of hearing about their antics).

5. READ!!!!!!

We don’t mean reading as in reading off an eBook that you have downloaded. We mean just sitting down in a quiet place and opening a good, old-fashioned, paper book. Reading should be a chance to get away from the technology of today and fall into a world of imagination.

6. Volunteer.

With all of the opportunities in this community, from teaching kids about bullying with puppets to helping at an animal shelter, there are so many different opportunities to volunteer in the next year. If you want to know about more volunteering options this year, talk to your guidance counselor in the office.

7. Work hard in school!

We know this is cliché, so we’ll leave it at that.

8. Sleep.

Everyone needs it. Some people just don’t do it enough, so this is our formal command to you, our readers. Get some sleep (just not in school).

9. Get a job (or keep yours).

Jobs are a great way of making your bank account talk! And paying for college. You need to do that, too.

10. Go to a professional sporting event/theatrical performance.

Are you a sports person who’s never been to a theatrical performance? Or a thespian who’s never been to a sporting event? Get out of your comfort zone! It’s amazing to see others perform, even if what they are doing is something that you have never been interested in doing yourself. Seeing what other people can do is very rewarding.

11. Pull a prank on someone.

Pranking someone is always a good way to have a laugh and to let out your crazy side. Just be careful who you prank; you don’t want to prank someone or someplace that will get you in big trouble.

12. Go on a camping/road trip.

There’s nothing better than the great outdoors, or the inside of a car for 10 hours during a road trip! Whichever you choose, both will prove to be an adventure. So pack a bag, pick a place, and GO.

13. Rely on technology less (and more in some cases).

Having your phone attached to you is somehow the norm now, but don’t get caught up in the trend! Make it a goal to have more face-to-face contact with people this year. Believe me, you can survive eating dinner without checking your phone. But it’s there to help, too, so utilize it when necessary.

14. Do something BIG.

Go to State. Write a book. Visit another country. Find a great cause and get involved. Just choose something big and do it. That might be college for you seniors.

15. Be an adult!

As high school students, we know that we are held to the high expectations of others. We are expected to turn in assignments, to clean up our rooms, and to be dependable. All of these are important and essential in becoming somebody that people will rely on and enjoy being around and working with…

16. …but be a kid.

We’re teenagers, too. We feel your pain. You’re being pressured to do a lot in life right now. Just remember that, while being an adult is important, you still have some time left to enjoy your high school days—as a kid.