Tuesdays with Morrie Book Review

This year in English 10 honors, my classmates and I were assigned to read the nonfiction book, Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom. The memoir-like piece was written about the author’s 78-year-old sociology professor, Morrie Schwartz. He was diagnosed amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. Morrie was Mitch’s previous college professor, and were reunited almost twenty years later at Morrie’s house. They decide to meet up every Tuesday after that and discuss topics like “the meaning of life.”

I never thought that this book would be as amazing as I think of it now. Honestly, I never really enjoy the books that are assigned to us, because I feel like there is so much pressure to actually like and understand them. But this book is different, it sort of hit me right at home, in a good way. When you hear about a dying old man, especially with a deadly disease like ALS, you automatically think it will be a gloomy story to read. Right? Well, that’s not the case in Tuesdays with Morrie.

Morrie’s lectures teach you how to appreciate life and everyone around you. Even though he is literally sitting on his deathbed for the majority of the book, he somehow manages to stay selfless and positive every day. This really puts almost everything I do in perspective.

Overall, I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone. I think that a great range of people would enjoy this book as well as people of all ages. It teaches life lessons as well as entertaining you and having a nice plot to it.