East Noble’s 3rd Annual Hope Walk


East Noble High School will be hosting the 3rd annual Hope Walk! This free event is managed by The Noble County Suicide Prevention Coalition, which was founded by Mary Lehman, and Miss Brittany Mazzola has been the high school’s coordinator. All students are welcome to volunteer for this cause. The purpose of this walk is to raise awareness for suicide prevention and mental health, and to increase the availability of mental health resources in Noble County. The Hope Walk is open to anybody in the community who wants to help raise awareness for this cause.

The Hope Walk is on April 24 from 6-8pm, and registration will start at 5:30pm. The walk will start at East Noble High School, lead to the Bixler beach area, then wind back to the high school. Once returning to the high school, the main gym will have booths by the Bowen Center, Parkview Hospital, Children First Center, and many other local mental health resources. Music will be provided by Campus Life. There will also be a hope themed art contest, so bring submissions between 5:00-5:30pm! All forms of art (painting, dance, poetry, photography, etc.) are welcome. We hope to see you there!