More Information on EN’s First Twitter Chat!

East Noble High School is holding Parent-Teacher Conferences on October 1, 2014 from 4:30 PM-6:30 PM and for the first time, Principal Mr. Steve Peterson will be holding a Twitter chat from the high school’s official Twitter account @ENHighSchool using the hashtag #enhstc!

“Our primary goal for the Twitter chat is to make connections and strengthen communication with our parents, students, and community,” says Peterson.  “We want parents, students, former students and even community members to participate so we can get a wide variety of perspectives.”

To participate in a Twitter chat, all you have to do is log on to Twitter and search the hashtag #enhstc to find the conversation.  To answer a question, be sure to put R1 to answer question 1, which will be labeled Q1, R2 to answer question 2 (Q2), etc. and use #enhstc at the end of your tweet so it will show up in the conversation.

Since this is the first time East Noble will be doing a Twitter chat, the questions will be very general in order to invoke various different responses, such as “What does East Noble do well?”  This way, current students can give their opinion on what East Noble does now to help with success.  Former students can give their opinions on what East Noble did well to help them prepare for life after high school and parents can give their view on what it is like to have a child attending East Noble High School.

After the Twitter chat has concluded, Mr. Peterson will archive the conversation and share it will the high school faculty to address ideas that were suggested to improve East Noble’s learning environment and to review what the school has been doing to make its students successful.  “We will use this as a foundation to build upon in the future, and it is exciting to see where we could end up with this,” states Peterson.

In the future, Mr. Peterson hopes to hold monthly Twitter chats for different groups within the school such as clubs and organizations, sports and even whole classes of students such as the senior class or freshman class.

Since Twitter is a social media network, Mr. Peterson wants to remind participants that conversations are fully open to the public, and if you have specific concerns that you like to have addressed to contact him directly.  Ideas and suggestions from parents, students, and the community for future East Noble Twitter chats are appreciated and highly encouraged so that East Noble can get an idea of what to aim their sights on in the future.

“Introducing this to the East Noble community during Parent-Teacher Conferences is a great way to begin since so many people will be focused on the same thing at once.”

Make sure to check out East Noble’s first ever Twitter chat and help make it a success so we can keep using this valuable tool to better the education of our future generations!