East Noble High School's Online Newspaper by Students for Students

The Knightly Scroll

East Noble High School's Online Newspaper by Students for Students

The Knightly Scroll

East Noble High School's Online Newspaper by Students for Students

The Knightly Scroll

This Day in History: February 24-28

February 24- On this day in 1868, Andrew Johnsons was the first president in United States history to be impeached. One of the reasons for impeachment was Johnson’s removal of Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton. This was a violation of the Tenure of Office Act.

February 25- On this day in 1938, the city of Miami opened its first drive-in movie theater. Admission was 35 cents per person, even though this was more than what an average indoor movie theater charged.

February 26- In 1993, a bomb exploded in the parking garage beneath the World Trade Center. It took six lives and injured 1,000 people. A piece of the culprit’s van was left behind with its vehicle identification number still visible. It led them to Ryder Rental Agency in New Jersey. The van had been rented by Mohammed Salameh. This further led to a storage unit filled with chemicals. Four men were eventually arrested and have to serve 240 years in prison, each.

February 27- On this day in 1860, President Abraham Lincoln was photographed by Civil War photographer, Matthew Brady.

February 28- In 1953, scientists at Cambridge University, James Watson and Frances Crick announced that they had discovered the double helix structure of human DNA.